A Strange (and Wondrous) Day at Giza

Greetings, all I find my attention drawn toward ancient Egyptian architecture again, for a number of reasons that might sound tangential if I went into full detail, but today started out with the realization that the Harris-Stockdale Unifying Value could perhaps be an oversized variant of the Full Moon Cycle. The original note that expressesContinue reading “A Strange (and Wondrous) Day at Giza”

Planetary and Lunar Data

I’ve been working on a new data table. On the one hand, it’s meant to save on having solar system astronomy formulas scattered everywhere over posts to five forums and over pages and pages of written notes; on the other hand, there may be no replacing taking the time to work out those notes. OneContinue reading “Planetary and Lunar Data”

It’s Only A Prototype…

Greetings, all – and a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving, even to those who don’t celebrate the holiday. Today I am thankful for, among other things, having beaten my Planetary and Lunar Tables into the form of the first prototype. It’s still a work in progress, but I have been slaving away on it for daysContinue reading “It’s Only A Prototype…”

What Is Stonehenge?

I continue to wrestle with some of the details involved in exploring my questions about ancient American iconography and planetary/stellar symbolism, such as a considerable amount of rather time-consuming manual data entry and searching for scattered images and drawings of monumental artifacts like stelae and altars. Ideally, this may help provide the opportunity to betterContinue reading “What Is Stonehenge?”

Short Reports 4

The Current State of Ancient Metrology Several more probable ancient units of length measure, thought to have been used to express astronomical / calendar related values, have been discovered since last posting. At present, the all-inclusive series (which seems to find the proposed Egyptian Sacred Cubit in the middle) looks like this, after the realizationContinue reading “Short Reports 4”

Hadrian’s Library, Part 2: The Unexpected

A few posts back, we took a first look at Hadrian’s Library based on the plans and data from Athanasios Angelopoulos, focusing on the Library itself and the adjacent reading rooms and auditoriums. The general assessment is that rather than consistent use of Greek Feet in the design, what we actually see is a varietyContinue reading “Hadrian’s Library, Part 2: The Unexpected”

Integration and Function of Ancient Mathematics

I am continuing to try to carry out my aspiration of interpreting ancient Greek architecture. At the moment I am pausing just a little to try to think of good subjects for study and good experiments, and to search for further archaeological data. If the results in the last post of looking at the distancesContinue reading “Integration and Function of Ancient Mathematics”

Cosmic Order? What If…

I’m generally wary of any schemes that suggest that the mathematics of Solar System cycles show evidence of “Intelligent Design”. Such schemes often invoke the golden ratio Phi and purport it to be the ratio between Solar Year and Venus Orbital Period, although it really isn’t, and we actually have to out of way toContinue reading “Cosmic Order? What If…”

Some Initial Impressions of the Pyramid of Unas

Not surprisingly, I am unable to find prior work on Unas’ pyramid, since the subject is fraught with a fair amount of uncertainty, beginning with the raw data itself. Even if the raw data can be taken seriously, however, there is still room for uncertainty about the matter.  A number of Egyptian pyramids may remainContinue reading “Some Initial Impressions of the Pyramid of Unas”

Le Menec Revisited

Some time ago back in July of 2020 I wrote a post on Newgrange and Le Menec. Not much else has been done with the subject since then, but Peter Harris recently mentioned Carnac in the context of the possible use of the Megalithic Foot there, which started me thinking about the subject of FrenchContinue reading “Le Menec Revisited”

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